Weekend Reads

It has been a slow week for me, so I am really glad that it’s Friday. I caught the flu, or some bug over the weekend so I’ve been sick. I’m sure I’ve whined enough about it on Twitter. I feel like I am always getting sick. It is that season though. Fall is my favorite season, but I almost always get sick every other week. Damn my body’s immunity! They haven’t been the same in a long, long time.

Even though I was confined to the bed and my room, there were a lot of good shows that started this week! Ringer, for one. The return of Sarah Michelle Gellar did not disappoint! The Secret Circle was also one that I enjoyed. I laughed so much watching Up All Night. I don’t think I’ve ever looked at parenthood that way, but then again I don’t have a child, only a pup. Oh, and one of my favorite shows, Parenthood returned this past week. A lot of changes happened over the hiatus, and I can’t wait to dive back into their lives. I’ll talk more about my thoughts on the shows on the next Media Monday.

Oh! Let me remind you, my Thank You giveaway ends on Sunday, September 18, at midnight! I really do appreciate what you guys do for me.

So, since I’ve caught up with some of my reading, I am once again faced with the question, what am I going to read. I can’t believe I’m asking myself this question, again. It’s really hard to choose. So many great books that have been released this month, and it is only the middle of September! (Also, temporary panic that it is ALREADY September.)

I believe I am going to start with Practical Jean, but I’ll give it a about 50 pages and see how it goes. Goodreads has a giveaway contest, so make sure to sign up for that. There are also some graphic novels that were given to me by Sea Lion Books, so I believe I’m going to take a peak at those. Check out their books at their store.

Enough rambling for now, but I promise I’ll talk more later. Here are my weekend reads. What will you be reading this weekend?

Practical Jean The Queens of All the Earth The Near Witch

Practical Jean by Trevor Cole
The Queens of All the Earth by Hannah Sternberg
The Near Witch by Victoria Schwab

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